Project 4

Sixty and Better Website Redesign

For this project, my teammate and I redesigned website content for Sixty & Better. The organization’s primary focus is to empower older adults to live with purpose, independence, and dignity. We analyzed the website’s structure and redesigned content for the targeted audience. As the team leader, I created a team charter and provided status reports to our professor. Our goal is to attract online users to join their organization and connect with other individuals.

Skills and Tools

Skills used: Web Design, User Research, Card Sort, Site Mapping, Persona Creation, Writing and Editing

Tools used: Microsoft Office, Trello, Wireframe CC, Canva, Mindmup


Content Edits

By taking the existing content provided on the website, we have completed a comprehensive edit of the information. We added, removed, and modified the content in a more simple and informative approach for online users.



We created a sitemap to display a system of ranking for every page on the website. Each titles, headings, and navigational links were placed onto the map. Users will be able to find data more efficiently.



We created 7 wireframes to help us gain a better visual of the website’s layout. We laid out the content and developed web pages that are easy to navigate.


Cover Letter

We have included a cover letter that outlines the choices made regarding the website’s redesign and organization.


Jasmine Gilbert.jpg
Seth Anderson.jpg

Trello Board

Trello is a web-based application that utilizes collaboration. This tool was used to organize our project deadlines into a board. I created meeting reminders and delegated tasks to my team member.

Trello is a web-based application that utilizes collaboration. This tool was used to organize our project deadlines into a board. I created meeting reminders and delegated tasks to my team member.


Content Analysis of My Writing


Unmoderated Usability Study